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Nancy Schnoebelen Imbs says anything is possible if you believe in yourself. All it takes is a clear vision, hard work, determination, and perseverance. She knows because her life and career experiences have helped shape her personal and professional success.

A sought-after speaker, Nancy’s presentations are engaging, knowledgeable, and humorous. She loves to empower others and share her message of strength, confidence, attitude, empathy, vulnerability, and humor with professionals. Nancy recognizes life is a journey where we’re all touched with challenging obstacles and detours – but no dead ends.

She speaks to groups large and small and can customize a presentation that motivates, educates, and entertains your participants at your next conference or meeting.

Ready to book Nancy? Contact Polished today!

Nancy’s inspiring talks provide a road map for helping others see their full potential. She believes everyone has gifts and talents to succeed in life. Her motivational presentations leave people energized and empowered, ready to conquer the world!

Sample Speaking Topics

Kindness is Underrated
Simple words like “thank you” or “you did a great job” or “I love your style” are easy to say, yet so often go unsaid. In a world where we tip toe around political correctness, we lose – or don’t even recognize – the power of kindness and its impact on ourselves and others. Paying someone a compliment or patting them on the back create more good than you know. Nancy will share reall-life  situations we face everyday where simple acts of kindness can help elevate your presence and ignite others in the same way.

If I Can Do It, You Can Do It!
No one is immune to life’s challenges and messes. Overcoming obstacles in life not only makes you stronger, but they also make you wiser. Most anything is achievable if you put your mind to it. Face your challenges head on and watch yourself succeed! Nancy’s inspirational talk will share how her personal challenges didn’t derail her, rather they made her more successful. You’ll leave feeling empowered to embrace your short-and long-term goals with determination, confidence, and proven strategies to enhance success.

What It Takes to be Superhuman
No matter your background, we all have the same basic needs and, often, aspirations. But it’s how we use our soft skills, our interpersonal skills, that ultimately define our success. The power of self-awareness and empathy are the cornerstones of leadership – and emotional intelligence. Nancy will share why strong soft skills and high emotional intelligence can make you the superhuman others will want to become.

My Sister, Mary. Different is Good
People tend to be uncomfortable with anyone who’s different. They’ll look for a second and then look away. Imagine how that would make you feel as a child. Imagine how that would make you feel as a sibling. Imagine how that would make you feel as a parent. Growing up with a developmentally delayed sister generated a lot of mixed feelings. It also shaped me to see the remarkableness in my sister, Mary and learn how different is good! Nancy will provide an inspirational talk that will help all embrace one’s differences in mind and body.

Yes. Maybe. I Mean No!
Why is it as women, we have a hard time saying no? It’s easy to say but difficult to do. Is it because we’re too nice and don’t want to seem rude? Is it because we have this strong desire to be liked? Is it because we’ve been socialized to value other people’s needs and feelings – more than our own? Learning to use your “no muscle” not only builds character and strength but it also puts you in charge. Nancy will share a proven formula to help you say no while you and others feel good and respected.