Air Travel Etiquette

Air Travel Etiquette

Air travel today comes with many challenges. Flight cancellations, delays, discourteous travelers, crowded flights, smaller seats, and on and on. How can a passenger make the best of their flying experience? We have etiquette expert Nancy Schnoebelen Imbs of Polished to share  tips to make travel a

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Airplane Etiquette

Airplane Etiquette

Air travel today comes with many challenges. Flight cancellations, flight delays, discourteous travelers, crowded flights, smaller seats, and on and on. Sadly, traveling by air has lost its cache. How can a passenger make the best of their flying experiences? We have etiquette expert Nancy Schnoebelen Imbs

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Spring Forward to Polish Your First Impression

Spring Forward to Polish Your First Impression

They say that “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” And it’s true. Soft skills matter. In fact, according to today’s guest Nancy Schnoebelen Imbs, studies prove that people skills trump talent and can often make the difference in how far you climb

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Difficult Conversations Made Simple

Difficult Conversations Made Simple

Published in Progressive Women’s Leadership BY NANCY SCHNOEBELEN IMBS “Difficult conversations do not just involve feelings, they are at their very core about feelings.”  – Douglas Stone   Let’s face it, most of us dread having that difficult conversation. Whether it be delivering bad news to a

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Managing Difficult Conversations with Confidence

Managing Difficult Conversations with Confidence

Most of us dread having a difficult conversation. Whether it be delivering bad news to a co-worker, discussing a delicate topic with a friend, talking to your boss about a work issue that needs to change or other challenging topics, these conversations are, well, difficult. Just thinking

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Grit: Passion, Perseverance, and Grace

Grit: Passion, Perseverance, and Grace

Michelle and Nikolette discuss what makes Grit and how it presents in their professional and personal lives on the Progressive Women’s Leadership WLT Podcast. They talk about the two main components – passion and perseverance – as well as an extra ingredient, grace, discussed by Nancy Imbs

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Get Nice with Nancy! and learn about adopting a growth mindset

Get Nice with Nancy! and learn about adopting a growth mindset

When we seek opportunities to grow, we become more confident and successful. Adopt a growth mindset; fill your brain with knowledge and live to learn. Tune into my “Get Nice with Nancy” segment with KMOV News 4 Great Day for tips to develop a growth mindset. CLICK HERE TO WATCH VIDEO  

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