The travel season is upon us. According to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, the height of the travel season falls between Thanksgiving and Christmas/New Year’s holidays. And with the hustle and bustle of getting here and there from busy airports, bus and train depots mixed with a passenger’s extra stress, hectic schedule and “just-get-me-there-with-no-delay” mentality comes with the occasional lapse of etiquette.
These day’s we’ve seen the short fuse one too many times – if not personally than virtually. So in light of the holidays where we gather to be with loved ones, let’s be civil, kind and above all avoid violating basic rules of travel etiquette.
Avoid Bringing Odorous Foods on Board
Resist the urge to take your to-go meal that emits odors for all to smell. Not everyone may share your cravings.
Modulate Your Voice
Whether you’re talking with a fellow traveler or chatting on the phone, keep your volume to a minimum. Not everyone needs to hear your story.
Manspreading No More
When taking to the skies, legroom is a precious commodity these days. There’s nothing ruder when the male seated next to you thinks he has more right to space in tight quarters than you. Men, keep your legs together and respect one’s personal space.
Read Your Fellow Passenger’s Body Cues
Not everyone wants to chat up a storm. Be mindful of your fellow passenger’s body language. If she’s staring out the window, reading a book or trying to take a snooze, chances are she doesn’t want to talk.
Share the Armrest
Who gets the middle two armrests If you’re the one sitting in the middle seat? Most would argue they should be shared space, while others say the middle passenger should have right of way since he’s the one sandwiched between the aisle seat with an armrest and window seat with an armrest. Travel etiquette would say be considerate and give way to those elbows who could use it most.
To Recline or Not to Recline
This is a debatable topic as many feel they have the right to recline their seat to take a snooze or take pressure off a bad back. However, your right to decline doesn’t preclude you from common courtesy. If the seat is empty behind you, recline away. If the seat is occupied behind you, ask him if he minds if you recline your seat.
Wear a Headset
Most passengers aren’t interested in your video games or listening to your in-flight entertainment. Wear headphones when listening to music or watching a movie. Avoid singing, humming along with your tunes only you can hear and keep the volume low enough so your seatmates can’t hear the rhythm or words.
Stop Kicking
We’ve all experienced the kick in the back of our seat. And depending on its frequency it can be quite annoying and completely upset your trip. Parents, watch your antsy children. It’s perfectly acceptable to address the situation right away and ask they refrain from kicking your seat – of course in a polite manner.
Lend a Hand
So often, we’re scrambling to find that overhead bin to store our luggage that we don’t see that traveler who could use an extra hand. Helping someone with their bags can be a lifesaver as can offering to help a parent who’s trying her best to calm her fussy child. A simple act of kindness works wonders.
Contact Polished, today to fine-tune your etiquette and soft skills.